
Posts Tagged ‘Illustrations’

This post comes to us from Chelsea Dickson, Curatorial Intern.

“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” –Presidential Oath

Oscar Berger

This is the epigraph to Oscar Berger’s 1968 book The Presidents, in which Berger, a famous cartoonist, illustrates each president from George Washington to Richard Nixon.  With elections fast approaching this fall and the recent anniversary of the United States’ independence, many are looking back on the nation’s history and, in particular, on the presidents.  Berger’s presidential caricatures do just that—trace the history of the presidency from Washington to Nixon, each portrait using only a single, continuous line.  Not only does Berger complete the incredible feat of capturing presidents’ likeness with one line but he also gives the viewer more of each president’s character by accompanying the portraits with several quotes.  Sometimes serious and sometimes funny, these quotes remind viewers of the course of American history.  Following are a selection of quotes from U.S. presidents.  Scroll through and let us know what you think! (more…)

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